
What is Personal Development

The way we feel about ourselves and ‘our world’ is hugely important as it directly influences our feelings about whether we think of our life as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

If our general feeling is that ‘life is hard’ then it is difficult to summon up enthusiasm for the things we do on a daily basis – they are seen much more as a ‘chore’ to be dealt with as quickly as possible and then put to the back of our mind until the next ‘chore’ comes along.

If on the other hand we try – where possible – to have a sense of well-being and a positive attitude to events in our lives then that will be reflected in the way that we deal with these events and therefore the way that we feel about them.

Personal Development sessions look at how we feel and perhaps more importantly why we feel the way that we feel.

Through discussion and perhaps a little reflection we can begin to understand why we do the things that we do and why we feel the way that we do.

We can begin to discover what is really important to us and so begin to bring harmony and balance back into our lives.